autokick bei et???

  • hallo,
    habe mal wieder bei der suche nix gefunden :(

    1. gibt es bei et-servern die möglichkeit teamkiller automatisch nach einer bestimmten teamkill-zahl kicken zu lassen, so wie es beispielsweise bei cs mit dem mp_autokill geht? ich weis, dass punkbuster nach einigen complaints kickt aber das funktioniert bei uns irgendwie nicht und der referee-kick geht auch nicht...

    2. wie kann ich "highpinger" automatisch kicken lassen?

    schon mal danke und schönen tag noch!

    greetz :twisted:

  • Diese Einstellung musst du in der server.cfg festlegen-

    set sv_minping "0" #/wobeil "0" -> disabled
    set sv_maxping "0" #

    Und hier ein Auszug aus meiner etadmin.cfg, die sich bei mir im /usr/local/games/et-2/etadmin_mod/etc/*.* befindet.
    Die musst du dann bei dir gegebenfalls anpassen:
    # teamkill_restricion
    # this is experimental feature, which you can
    # use to auto kick players, that make much more
    # tks, then everything else. Aggressive teamkillers
    # are first warned, then kicked.
    # Explanation how it works:
    # For every kill players get a positive
    # score (see tk_kill_bonus), for every teamkill
    # the player gets negative one:
    # -0.65 for a kill with a airstrike or artillery
    # -0.75 for a teamkill with (grenade, panzer, rifle, mortar or mg42)
    # -0.00 for a teamkill with a mine
    # -1 for a normal TK with all other weapons.
    # +1 if you make a revive
    # +"tk_kill_bonus" for a kill
    # lower_limit 0 upper_limit
    # |----|---------|------------|
    # ^ ^ ^
    # | warning start
    # kick
    # if a player gets under the (tk_lower_limit +1) he gets a warning.
    # As soon as he comes below the tk_lower_limit he gets kicked.
    # If you want to test this feature, then set "tk_warnonly = 1".
    # Normal players tend to play at the upper limit (tk_upper_limit)

    # teamkill_restrictions on(1)/off(0)
    teamkill_restriction = 1

    # tk_lower_limit is the amount of negative points
    # needed for a player to get kicked.
    tk_lower_limit = -3

    # tk_upper_limit
    # This is the maximal points, which can be archived as "bonus"
    tk_upper_limit = 3

    # This is the amount of points, players get for a normal kill
    # to increase the tk_index (max=tk_upper_limit)
    # this option can be seen as a tk/kill percentage.
    # If you want allow one TEAMKILL on 4 kills, then set this to 0.25
    tk_kill_bonus = 0.25

    # If you set tk_warnokly, then players, that
    # drop below tk_lower_limit are not kicked (only warned)
    # use this for testing, if you unsure about your settings.
    tk_warnonly = 0

    # If you set tk_except_admins, then admins (all lvl1+)
    # players are excluded from the teamkill_restriction
    tk_except_admins = 0

    -g00d luck -

Jetzt mitmachen!

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